Embrace Your Magical Energy

You were born with certain natural abilities. Sometimes they may delight you and sometimes they frighten you. Learning how to harness this magical energy is key to walking along your pagan path.

There is no doubt that more and more men and women are opening themselves up and embracing their magical energy.

What is Magical Energy?

Whether you chose to spell magic like magic, majick, or magik they all come down to the same meaning.

Magic is an art form but for a scientist like myself, it is also grounded in some sound scientific theory. Magic is a form of energy. Energy is all around us.

Everything is formed of atoms and those atoms come together to make matter. While that is a very simplistic way of putting it we know that atoms have electrons and movement.

That movement equates to energy. The same energy you tap into as a witch or pagan practitioner.

witch with candle in woods

Photo by Julie Arte


Most people go through their day not thinking about atoms and matter. As a witch, you may not be thinking about it either. However, you are feeling it.

So one of my favorite things to do is to go to a crystal store or somewhere they sell crystals. I love to visit museums or nature center gift stores and run my hands in the rock displays.

Why? Because they speak to me. When I say they speak to me I mean I can feel their energy. Like a little buzz in my hand.

Read A Pagans Intro To Using Crystals

How to Connect to Energy

This exercise will help you to be present in the matter to which you are physically surrounded. We are connected to all things.

Start with something alive out in nature. Go into your backyard or a nearby park and choose a tree to connect with. Trees have a lot of energy and make a great starting place.

It’s important to not have any electronic devices on you during this time.

  1. Start by looking at your tree. Appreciate its beauty and its function. For instance, the bark of a tree has a beautifully unique pattern. It is also acting like skin and protecting the tree from insect predators.

  2. Really look at it. Appreciate it. Focus on it and nothing else.

  3. Gently lay your hand on the bark. Feel the energy of the tree. Let your body melt into the connection.

  4. Think about the tree’s power. The tree is continually moving energy between the earth and the air.

  5. Are you ready to go a step further?

  6. Reflect on some negative things that have been bothering you. A toxic relationship, a bad day at work, or just a feeling of being tired and worn out.

  7. Release your negative energy to the tree. Concentrate on pushing negative energy into the tree and watch as the tree sends it upwards and it dissipates into the air.

  8. Next focus on the strength and power of the tree. Think about how the roots hold it firm and the trunk stabilizes its energy as it flows back and forth.

  9. Allow that energy to come into your fingers and travel through your body. If you are feeling hesitant, think of this as putting gas (energy) into your car. Both you and the car need the energy to keep going.

  10. Express gratitude. Tell the tree thank you. Leave a small gift such as a pretty ribbon to express your appreciation.

birch tree

Photo by Ame Vanorio. I took this picture of a birch tree in the University of Wisconsin Arboretum. They even have benches placed around the trees so you can sit and commune with the tree.

How To Awaken Your Inner Witch

In many ways, awakening your inner witch is less about magic and more about empowerment. So by doing the exercise above you are making a connection with nature. You are trusting your power and the power within the tree to provide healing energy.

Awakening your inner witch is about finding and using your energies. Once you start connecting with that energy you will be ready to move on to spell work and divination.

Ways to Awaken Your Inner Witch

  • Getting in touch with your cycles and the cycles in the natural world are important steps to embracing your inner witch.

  • Get outside and enjoy nature. Explore the woods, beach, or desert near your home.

  • Plant a garden (inside or outside). Many plants especially herbs and flowers have magical qualities.

  • Meditate. Meditation opens up the third eye and can help you connect with the divine, your ancestors, and your animal spirit guides.

  • Practice divination. Not every form of divination will click with you. Try several methods and remember the most important trick is to keep practicing! It takes time to build the skills and open your mind’s eye to the craft.

  • Explore music, chanting, and dancing in your rituals. Ancients around the world made drums, rattles, and flutes so that they could honor and dance with the gods.

Connect With The Elements

The elements are earth, air, fire, and water. They correspond with the four states of matter (solid, gas, plasma, and liquid).

Working with the elements will help you connect with nature, the divine, and other people. Exploring their energies can help you develop your skills and grow as a person.

You can read more about the Cardinal Elements here

Party Entertainment

Your powers are not meant to be party entertainment.

They are also not meant to test you. I’m sure you have had that one person who says “Prove It” when you try to explain your practice or craft.

Don’t fall down that rabbit hole of thinking you have to demonstrate your powers for them to be real.

Take Away

The best advice I can give to new pagans and baby witches is to recognize that developing your practice takes time. Sometimes I see courses that say something like becoming a witch in 24 hours.

That’s a false and unrealistic goal. Your craft will be something you are working on and growing throughout your life. It does develop over time with practice and participation. However, it’s not instant.

Author, Ame Vanorio, is a lifelong pagan, mentors new pagans, and is an environmental educator.