Squirrel Spirit Animal: A Complete Guide
Squirrels are one of the most popular animals and are a joy to watch and interact with. Ambitious, hardworking, passionate, and playful, we have a lot to learn from them.
Life is all about giving and taking and being part of a community. Squirrels understand that and teach us that work and play go hand in hand. In addition, they understand the importance of putting something away for a rainy day!
Natural History
Squirrels are rodents. They may live in trees or on the ground. Chipmunks and prairie dogs are part of the squirrel family.
Squirrels are native to the Americas, Europe, and Africa and are famous for caching their food. They gather food to store for times when it is not available. This makes them an ecologically important species because they rejuvenate the forest.
You can read more about squirrels on my environmental website. THE INDUSTRIOUS SQUIRREL
Squirrels are wonderful climbers and can go up and down trees with ease. This is because they are able to turn their ankles 180 degrees which allows them to grip the bark of the tree.
Floki, one of my rehabilitated and released squirrels. Photo by Ame Vanorio
Squirrels In Mythology/ Cultural Traditions
Goddess Queen Medb is a Celtic goddess with feminine powers, pride, and war. She is often represented with a squirrel (earth)and a bird (sky) sitting on her shoulders. Linked with the Morrigan.
Native American
Native American cultures have several stories about the trickery of squirrels. Squirrels are seen as mischievous and resourceful. They have the ability to weather any storm, literally and figuratively.
The Abenaki story of how the chipmunk got his stripes tells of a ground squirrel who taunted a bear. I have a family video of me reading this with two young squirrels at my environmental center and will link that below.
Ratatoskr, a red squirrel, was a Messenger for the Norse deities. He ran up and down the Yggdrasil, the world tree, between the eagles at the top and the serpent Níðhöggr, among the roots. He was said to spread gossip and trickery among the two.
“An eagle sits at the top of the ash, and it has knowledge of many things. Between its eyes sits the hawk called Vedrfolnir [...]. The squirrel called Ratatosk [...] runs up and down the ash. He tells slanderous gossip, provoking the eagle and Nidhogg”
What Do Squirrels Teach Us
Focus on the future - prepare for the future but also reminds us to still stay in the present and live our lives. Squirrels help us to examine what we want out of life and make those goals a reality.
Squirrels are playful and curious. They remind us to laugh and enjoy life.
Connects us to the element of earth and the Root Chakra, reminding us to remain grounded and strive towards our goals.
Socializing and building a community. Squirrels live and work in close proximity to each other.
Balance - work hard, play hard, and look to the future but stay in the present. Squirrels are positive and help us see the “light at the end of the tunnel”.
Flying squirrel symbolizes new emergence from your subconscious and learning to rely on your Intuition. Trust yourself and others. Flying squirrels have a connection to angels.
Value of saving. Financial experts teach us the value of saving money. Well so do squirrels! If you are having financial troubles a squirrel may enter your life. Squirrels teach us many financial lessons including budgeting and putting something aside for a rainy day!
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Speaking to Us in Dreams
A squirrel may come to you in a dream. Seeing a squirrel often means you need to focus on the task at hand. They can also mean your life needs balance and you need to examine your priorities.
If you dream of squirrels playing together it may mean you need to get out and socialize!
Dreaming of a squirrel jumping from branch to branch is a good omen and means you will have success in your endeavors.
What Careers Do People With Squirrel Do Well In?
Squirrel people are fun-loving, easy-going, and social but you can also be strong-willed. You are good at multi-tasking however you need to work on following through and finishing what you start.
Squirrels are resourceful and make good team members.
Squirrel people are often collectors and enjoy dealing in antiques and artwork. The flip side is that they must be careful not to hoard things!
Communication and media work are areas in which squirrels excel. Social Media Influencers, journalists, or actors are jobs you might pursue.
Banking and investing. Squirrels do well in financial and economic positions.
Squirrel Conservation
Squirrels are frequent animals in wildlife rehabilitation programs because they live in close proximity to humans.
Below is a video I made introducing some baby squirrels I was rehabilitating and reading a Native American story with them.
Author, Ame, is the founder of Celebrate Pagan Holidays. You can read more about us here.
As pagans, witches, and shamans, we connect with animals in many ways, both living and in the spirit world. We connect with animals through our heredity and family structures. We also have close relationships with our pets and even the wildlife we observe in our backyards.