This spell is to help us rid ourselves of negative energy and bring in positive energy. A little bit of self-love when you are in a time of change, or you just need to refocus yourself.
Times of stress and changes in our lives allow negative energies to build up in us. We carry around that negative energy and it starts to affect our whole attitude.
Here are the steps to the spell and my YouTube video I made to go along with it. Remember! Putting your own spin on a spell is good. This is meant for guidelines.
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Black Candle - for protection, ending negative habits and renewing your energy, honoring the crone, connecting to inner strength.
White Candle – New beginnings and fresh starts
Pen and Paper
Rose Petals – self-love
Mugwort – divination, enhances psychic abilities
Lemon peel – creativity, uplifting properties
Glass bowl to place herbs in. If you are burning the herbs use a fireproof metal plate instead of glass.
Rosemary and Olive Oil - I used these for dressing my black candle. Read our blog on candle dressing
High Priestess Card – My deck is the Native American Deck by Laura Tuan. The high priestess reminds us to listen to our intuition and gives us the ability to have a heightened awareness. She is the teacher of sacred knowledge and walks with me on my shamanic journey.
A behind the scenes pic of Pixie “helping” while I was trying to set up for the video!
Sodalite Stone – represents wisdom, and communication and is sometimes referred to as the poet’s stone. It enhances intuition which is of course our goal here. It also dispels negative energy and is a good stone to carry on your person. It pairs well with citrine and turquoise. Both work well with inner communication.
Sourcing Sodalite
Sodalite comes from Brazil and was used by the ancient Incas. It’s also found in Maine here in the US. (It can be confused with Lapis which is a lighter blue and often has golden streaks)
There are a couple of environmental concerns to keep in mind with this stone. It is mined and there has been some concern that mines have damaged sacred sites in both Brazil and Africa.
You can check out my YouTube video of me going through the steps of this spell.
Cleanse your space
You may choose to honor the 4 directions
Think of two intentions. You should have one intention which is something you want to get rid of. Another intention for the positive energy you what to bring in.
Write your intentions on the paper. One on each piece of paper.
Place the negative intention under the black candle and the positive under the white candle
Light the black candle. Focus on your intention of what you want to get rid of.
Light the white candle. Focus on the intention of what you want to bring in
Take each of your herbs in turn and place a small amount (1/2 teaspoon) in the bowl. As you add each herb declare their use.
“I am adding rose petals so that I am open to self-love”
“I am adding mugwort to enhance my abilities and receive clarity”
“I am adding lemon peel to bring happiness and positive energy to me”
9. Focus on the candles. Watch the negative energy leave. Open yourself and allow the positive energy to enter you.
10, Pick up the sodalite stone and hold it next to your heart. Thank the stone for helping you be open to its wisdom. Place the stone next to the herbs.
(I often hold my chosen crystal throughout the spell but that is up to you)
11. Pick up your tarot card of the High Priestess. Thank her for helping you gain intuition and awareness.
12. Use a candle snuffer to put out your candles
13. If you want you can use the materials again for the same spell. Repeating the spell will add strength to your intentions. If you choose to do a different spell with these candles you will need to recharge and redress them.
Author, Ame Vanorio, is a lifelong pagan and the founder of CPH.
Candle dressing is a process in which you prepare your candle for a spell or ritual. This helps you compose your thoughts and energies and focus your powers.
Candle dressing adds strength and powerful energy to the candle that adds to the intention of the spell. Oils, herbs, and spices make wonderful dressings.