5 Spells For Good Fortune And Luck

We all need some luck now and then and combining a spell with an intention is a powerful way to bring good fortune into your life.

Here are five spells for good fortune for all ages and a list of good omens. Try them out and bring luck into your life!

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  1. Good Fortune Charm

This fabulous spell helps you to create a good luck charm that you can carry with you. The Rune that symbolizes fortune and good luck is Fehu ᚠ.


A round flat piece of wood that can fit in your pocket (quarter-sized). Look for one out in nature or purchase one at a craft store.

Permanent Marker or paint (green is a good color choice)



  1. Cleanse your altar space

  2. If necessary, sand off any rough edges of your wood

  3. With a marker or paint draw the symbol for Fehu

  4. Recite:

    Fehu, Rune of wealth and good luck,

    Bless me with your energy,

    Restore my confidence,

    Help me to be in the right place at the right hour.

  5. You can carry your charm with you or place it under your pillow.

2. Wish Upon A Star Spell - Great For Families

We are all familiar with the classic children’s rhyme:

Star Light, Star Bright,

First star I see tonight,

I wish I may, I wish I might,

Have this wish I wish tonight.

Wishing on a star comes down to us from the ancients. Ptolemy stated that the stars were a sign the gods were listening to us.

We can make wishing on a star a more fulfilling experience by preparing and focusing.


  • Yellow or Gold construction paper

  • Scissors

  • Tape or thumbtack

  • Colored pencils, markers, or these fun glitter paint pens.


  1. Draw a large five-pointed star on the paper

  2. Cut out the star

  3. Think about your wish and write it on one side of the star

  4. On the opposite side decorate the star however you would like

  5. In the evening take your star outside. Hold it up to the sky.

  6. Recite the children’s rhyme out loud

  7. State your wish out loud

  8. Breathe deep and think about your wish coming true

  9. Take your star inside and tape or tack it above your bed

  10. Go to sleep thinking about your wish coming true

Candle Magic

Check out my course on Candle Magic

3. Dandelion Spell

I love springtime when the dandelions pop up their pretty yellow heads and the bumblebees come out and wiggle their little butts so excited for the pollen and nectar.

There are lots of spells that originate around dandelions. Scott Cuningham feels they enhance psychic abilities and divination.

Our spell uses the dandelion seed pods for making a wish. Instead of blowing them off the plant - a favorite of young children - we will carefully gather them.


  • A mason jar with a lid

  • Scissors


  1. Locate a spot where lots of dandelions are growing and going to seed

  2. Carefully cut the seed head off the plant

  3. Fill your jar with dandelion heads and close the lid

  4. Now pick one last dandelion and focus on your wish

  5. Recite:

    Dandelion, dandelion, thank you for this wish

  6. Face the southwest direction

  7. Take a deep breathe and blow the seeds off the head

  8. Take your jar home and place it on the west side of your altar for seven days to help you focus on your wish

If you want to learn more about dandelions read Dandelions: Foraging in the Kitchen

I love listening to audiobooks and podcasts when I'm working around the house or gardens. And I was pleasantly surprised at how many pagan/witchcraft books are on Audible!

4. Green Candle Magic

Candles are wonderful tools to use to focus our magic on a specific want. Green candles represent good fortune, prosperity, and success. Green also helps with impatience and stress.

Make a Wish Ritual


  • Green taper candle

  • 2x2 inch piece of paper and green colored pencil

  • metal cooking tray or another fireproof surface


  1. Place a new green taper candle in a stand on top of a metal tray or fireproof surface

  2. Write your wish on a small piece of paper and place it under the candle stand.

  3. Light your candle

  4. You can choose to sit or stand but gaze into the flame

  5. As you watch the flame concentrate on your wish and what will happen when your wish is fulfilled

  6. Do this for several minutes

  7. Next, remove the paper from under the candlestick and burn it in the flame or on the metal cook pan

  8. Envision your wish going out into the universe

  9. Snuff out the candle

5. Incense Blend For Good Fortune

scents are very powerful and often represent different traits. Making your own blend of incense can be very powerful.

Don’t just mix things willy-nilly. Take your time, be thoughtful, and focus on an intention.

Mix any of the following herbs and spices in a small jar. For additional strength add clear quartz to the jar and let it rest with your mixture.

  • Lavender

  • Chamomile flowers

  • Sage

  • Whole cloves

  • Thyme

  • Mint

Good Luck Omens And Mini-Spells

  • Knock on your bedroom door three times before going to bed

  • Find a penny heads up outside

  • Place a penny heads up in a doorway

  • Find a four-leaf clover to bring luck and avoid being tricked by fairies

  • Sprinkle basil in your shoes before you put them on

  • Place a cinnamon stick under your pillow

  • Elephants are a symbol of good luck and wealth. I keep a small elephant statue like this one on my desk.

  • For abundance rub mint oil on the back of your hands

  • Hang a horseshoe with the open end facing up to catch the luck

  • Antique keys are said to bring good fortune and love

  • Shooting stars

Author, Imani Williams, is a college student studying social work. She has been a kitchen/cosmos witch for four years. Imani is very interested in divination and spell casting.