How To Communicate With Your Ancestors

At certain times throughout our lives, we feel the desire to connect with our ancestors, those that had gone before and crossed the divide. We may never have even met them or even know of them, but we are all connected to a plethora of souls who are lost in time and represent a bygone era.

This pull of history in our individual lives cannot be mistaken. The yearning to connect and to be a part of history is a strange alien feeling to some which can be seen through recent events. The death of the Queen of England brought people from all walks of life to view her coffin as she lay in state, even if they never knew her or even thought of themselves as Royalists.

Some when asked why they had come could not explain it but replied they felt compelled to, knowing that it was such a historical event.


What is ancestor communication?

This unknowing feeling, to connect to something greater is the power of ancestor communication. I have no idea what to call that feeling but it is a pull, an acknowledgment of history, a recognition of our own place in time and space.

I connect to my ancestors though I have never met many of them, indeed my parents or even grandparents had never met ancestors. As I view not only my grandparents as ancestors but also those who are lost in time from several hundred years ago.

Every single one of us has a lineage and we may not know all their names. In addition, if we traced our genealogy right back there would be at least a million ancestors connected to us. Further, if we counted back 30 generations, we would at least have a billion ancestors which is extraordinary when you think about it.

Therefore, connecting with a million or even a billion ancestors is phenomenal, and just think of the power that stands beside you and behind you with all their knowledge and ancient wisdom.

Further, Ancestor worship helps us to recognise how unique and yet how connected we all are to one another.

Guest Author, Tudorbeth's latest book is available in hardcover and on kindle. Full of spells, recipes, and potions. A fabulous addition for every green or hedge witch!


How do I communicate with my ancestors?

I communicate with my ancestors on a regular basis. I connect with them when I have lost my way in life, or when I am encountering resistance in my career or relationships. I ask them for advice or for strength.

They are family after all and so treat them as you would family and ask for help. At times I call upon the matriarchs of my family as I do come from a very strong female-dominated background and do feel a stronger connection to them.

Whilst at other times I will call upon the male members of my family and as the majority were in the military, they prove very useful if I need strength in the various battles life likes to throw at me.

There are several ways you can connect and communicate with ancestors for example, as many of my ancestors were fishing men and women I often go down to the sea and call them up. And this is the other thing with ancestor connection, it might be easier to communicate with them in a place where they most frequented or even where they are buried.

Further, if you have a photo or something inherited from them, these are also good for making that connection with them, something that is personal to them that you now have.

If you are communicating with them indoors, light a candle and have their photos nearby, take a couple of deep breaths, close your eyes, and call out their names. For example, when I was asking my grandmothers for help, this is what I said:

Grandmothers of my line, I call to thee, Evelyn, Winnifred, Flora, Katherine, Eleanor, Matriarchs of my family line, I call upon thee, please help me.

I need your strength and your power.

Help me find wisdom throughout these hours.

Give me guidance and show me thy ways.

Help me to be wise in the coming days.

Then meditate for a while and visualise your ancestors standing before you or coming to you in a dream. The candle may flicker or even go out which is an indicator that they are with you.

You may also experience flashes of inspiration or ideas to solve certain problems. I always think of ancestor communication as dialing up long distance and will have a pen and paper nearby just in case I need to take a message, which I will decipher when we hang up.

Always close an ancestral communication with gratitude and love, bless them all and be respectful and say goodbye until next time. Treat ancestors as you would aging grandparents, remember they are from a different time so always speak clearly with no slang and mind your manners.


Who are my ancestors?

I am very fortunate to know the names of several of my ancestors as I trace my family tree and had a DNA test that answered some questions and rumours we had in the family. And although I search the family line there are some branches on that tree with no names and that is fine as I still recognise them when I connect to them.

I imagine what they may look like or what their names may be. Though I can trace other family lines back for 20 generations which is very lucky but given that some are monarchs albeit illegitimate connections, they are all still my ancestors. 

It is a very peculiar feeling knowing that Katherine Swynford or Eleanor of Aquitaine are distant great grandmothers. Yet this is the important thing about ancestral communication and tracing the family tree as it opens the connection to others, a possible recognition of long-lost cousins and extended family across the world.

How many descendants of Katherine Swynford are reading this? How many cousins from Edward III are out there viewing this? And this is the power of ancestral worship, that although we are connecting to the past we are also reaching out in the present.


Why should I communicate with them?

If it were not ancestors I would not be here, none of us would be. Ancestors are the reason why we are here, and all their trials and tribulations are recorded in our DNA.

All the power, energy, and drive to survive can be found hidden within our blood as it flows through us and from the past to us in the present and on to our children in the future. To communicate and acknowledge our ancestors is a powerful mark of respect and gratitude.

Guest author, Tudorbeth on the podcast The Witching Hour With Patti Negri


Will my ancestors help me? 

I have felt the presence of my ancestors quite often from my grandmother gently brushing my hair in the early morning, to calling up the strength of ancestral matriarchs when I have been in a battle with my career.

They are always there and with me and so are yours. I often think that the ancestors are just in the house next door and all we have to do is knock on that door and they will answer, and I am always listening!

Guest Author, Tudorbeth lives in Great Britain. She is an author and teacher. You can follow her on Tiktok and Twitter @tudorbeth. Check out her author page on Amazon.