Crystals need care just like any other ritual tool. They have an energy that comes from the earth that needs to be periodically cleansed or restored.
Crystal care includes cleansing, maintaining, storing, and understanding best safety practices.
When Should I Cleanse My Crystals?
A crystal absorbs energy around it. This may be the energy of a room or place or a person who has handled the crystal.
It is important to cleanse the crystal to clear the energy. Cleanse all-new crystals when you bring them home.
Crystal may have traveled a long way from the place they originated to the crystal shop in your hometown. If you buy them online they are being shipped from the store to you.
In all of this travel and handling your new crystal or gem may have absorbed negative or confusing energies.
It’s important to cleanse that energy from the stone and restore it to its natural state.
In addition, cleanse your crystals after heavy use or when you are radiating a lot of negative energy. Crystals in need of cleansing feel hot and heavy.
I just love going to gift shops in museums and filling bags of crystals! However, I realize these are tumbled lab-produced crystals and have often been handled by many people. So cleansing is a must. The benefit of lab crystals is that they are often more sustainable. Read our article 10 Best Crystals for more information on sourcing crystals sustainably.
Ways to Cleanse a Crystal
Set your crystals outside on a clear night. A full moon is best but other phases will also work.
Alternatively, you can also set them in a window if it’s not safe to place them outside.
Crystal singing bowls can be used to cleanse a crystal. Start the singing bowl ringing and then hold the crystal in its sound field.
Do this for five minutes per stone.
I love the sound of these!
Clean your crystals when you are smudging with sage. Allow the smoke to waft over the crystals. This is a great way to cleanse multiple tools and your home all at the same time!
Read my article Growing and Using White Sage for Smudging
Use a large quartz geode to cleanse other crystals. You can place smaller crystals inside the geode and leave them for 24 hours.
Salt Water
Use caution with this method. Saltwater is a wonderful cleanser however it can harm certain crystals. Salt is actually a very hard substance that can scratch or dehydrate your crystal.
Crystals that are soft or porous should never be placed in saltwater. Do not use for amber, calcite, gypsum halite, malachite, moonstone, opal, pearls, selenite, or topaz.
Don’t use salt water to cleanse gemstones that are part of jewelry.
Crystal Maintenance
To maintain your crystals you want to cleanse them once a month. A good time is during the full moon.
Store crystals you are not using by wrapping them in tissue paper individually
Dust or wipe down those on display with a soft cloth or duster.
Crystals on display should not be put in direct sunlight. The sun can fade them or cause flaking.
Crystal Safety
Crystals that are mined from the earth may contain minerals that are not good for the human body. Depending on where they are mined they may have aluminum, sulfur, fluorine, or asbestos in them.
Use a good reference book to check on the safety of your crystals. There are several good ones. I use Crystals for Healing by Karen Frazier.
For the following crystals that are mined don’t use them in the bath or for making elixirs. These include many that are flaky or chalky and may dissolve elements into the water. Wash your hands after handling these crystals.
The International Gem Society has a useful Gemstone Toxicity Table on its website.
Here are some crystals that require caution:
Chicken Blood Stone
Tiger’s Eye
Author, Ame Vanorio is a lifelong pagan, environmental educator, and wildlife rehabilitator.
Another great way to bring magic into every day is by combining spells and rituals with the days of the week. Each day of the week has colors, crystals, and herbs associated with it as well as a ruling planet.