Check out my video (below) on Bastet - 30,111 views! One of my
all time favorite deities to work with.
Isis, originally called Aset, meaning Queen of the Throne, was a powerful goddess not only in Ancient Egypt but also in the Greek and Roman worlds. No wonder so many pagans seek to honor her today!
Anubis has a bad rap. As a death god and Lord of the Afterlife, he is often portrayed in contemporary media as an evil or angry villain. Nothing is further from the truth.
Historically Anubis (Anpu or Inpu) is a much admired god who was seen as both the weigher of the heart (judgement) and the protector of souls (guardian).
Cultures around the world have practiced tattooing in many different forms. Deciding to get a tattoo and what the design should be is a complex process (or should be).
Epona was an important deity in the pantheon of Celtic gods and goddesses. She was known specifically as the goddess of horses and was revered as both a protector and a provider of horses for the Celtic people. Learn more about her and how we can honor her today.
Do you feel drawn to the art and magic of witchcraft but wonder where you fit into it all? This article will guide you in discovering your inner witch and may give you some thoughts on areas of witchcraft you want to explore.
Winter Holidays
Parentalia is celebrated between February 13 - 21. This Ancient Roman festival resonates with modern pagans as a way to connect with our ancestors.
During Parentalia the Ancient Romans honored their ancestors and thanked them for continued protection over their homes and families.
Danu is a mother goddess in the Celtic and Irish traditions. She is the goddess of fertility, creation, water, and the land.
We celebrate the Day of Danu on January 18.
The birch tree symbolizes starting over, fertility, rebirth, and regeneration. In fact, birches are one of the first trees to grow back after a forest fire.
Birch or Beithe, is the first tree of the Ogham, the Celtic tree alphabet. Beithe (pronounced ‘bey’) is the Gaelic word for birch and means inception or existence.
In ancient times, Janus was a god of beginnings and endings. He also represented the year's transitions from one season to another. In modern times, we recognize him as the god of doors and gates. He is depicted in art with two faces looking in opposite directions - one facing forward and one facing back."
I love plants and as a pagan, they are deeply integrated into my spiritual practices. Walks in the woods, vegetable gardens, and rooms filled with herbs and succulents.
Yule holds such a special place among pagans. Our ancestors yearned for the light of spring and the warming of the earth.
Get Ready! Yule is right around the corner.
I love holiday decorating - as long as it’s fun and easy. I also like when it is inexpensive!
These decorations will bring joy and meaning to your holiday. For those of you in the broom closet - these are perfect because only you will know the true meaning of the decor!
Rituals and Spells
Pine forests are some of the oldest on earth. And with that age comes great wisdom and energy. They are found throughout North America, northern Europe and Asia. The entire pine tree is magical including the evergreen branches, the resin, and the cones.
Flowers are beautiful, they often smell wonderful, and they help the environment. In addition, flowers have magical properties.
Using flowers in spells or rituals increases the strength of your spell and represents certain powers and abilities.
Wands are a ritual tool that helps you to direct your energy and focus on what you want to achieve. You can use a wand to draw symbols or sigils in the air. They can be purchased or homemade.
The Ancient Celtic people believed strongly that spirits and divine beings inhabited the natural world. They felt a divine connection with those beings. The Celts perceived the presence of the supernatural world interwoven with the material world.
Squirrels are one of the most popular animals and are a joy to watch and interact with. Ambitious, hardworking, passionate, and playful, we have a lot to learn from them.
Cups are the emotional suit in the tarot deck. These cards ask us to consider how feel about a subject.
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In this blog, we will explore some of the most significant Kemetic symbols and their meanings in both ancient and modern times. I will give you ways and ideas to use them in your pagan practice and magic.