5 Spells To Care For Your Body and Spirit

Most of the time as witches we do not focus enough on our self-care. I know what you are thinking, “I do self-care all of the time!”

Are you really doing enough?

Not only should you be doing the self-care routine you usually do, whether that be skincare, a bath, reading a book, or whatever else you like to do; you need to be incorporating it into your spell work as well.

This, not only will help your mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing, it will provide you with practice and experience to be a better practitioner. From rituals, to spell jars, to shadow work, there is so much that you can do to incorporate this into your everyday practice.

Here are a few ideas and ways to incorporate spell work into your self-care routine.

Self-love Spell for Bath

Self-love is important for everyone. However, it isn’t always easy. Some of us have little quirks that we don’t exactly like or love.

However, it is important to remember that mother earth and the goddess created this body for you. You are not a human, you are a spirit inside of a human. Your worth is more than your physical body.

For this ritual, you will need

• Epsom salt

• Lavender oil and buds

• Rose petals

• One white candle

• One pink candle

• Himalayan pink sea salt

• Rose quartz (you can use clear quartz to replace this if needed)

• Carnelian


  1. Gather your materials

  2. Draw a bath with water to the temperature of your liking.

  3. Mix the Epsom salts and the Himalayan pink sea salt together in a bowl.

  4. Add your lavender oil to the salt mixture and stir.

  5. Stir your bath water clockwise and say this phrase:

One with the goddess

One with the earth

Spirit surround me

And remind me of my own worth

6.Place the lite candles and crystals on the side of the tub.

7. Hop into your bath and soak out all of the negativity.

Make sure that you visualize the negativity leaving you and entering the bathwater. When you let drain release visualize your negative energy flowing away.

Health Spell Jar

Health is probably the most important for self-care. If you aren’t healthy, there is no way that you are going to perform good, clear magic.

Try this health spell jar in order to maintain all forms of health.

For this, you are going to need the following supplies:

• Clear quartz

• A small jar with a cork top

• Aventurine

• Coltsfoot

• Apple blossoms

• Ginger

• A white candle

• Matches


  1. Start by cleansing the jar with your preferred method. This could be smoke cleansing, energy work, or anything else you may use.

  2. Lay down a layer of quartz in the bottom of the jar. I personally recommend smaller crystals for spell jars as you want to use a small jar to keep with you.

  3. Once your layer of quartz is down, you can then add your aventurine.

  4. Next, I personally like to grind my herbs that I am using in these jars as previously stated, you want a small jar.

  5. Using a mortar and pestle grind your herbs in a clockwise motion imagining the energy from your hand entering the pestle and eventually the herbs.

  6. Once you have completed this step, funnel the herbs into the jar. When this has been completed and all of the herbs are in, you may then put the cork on and get ready for the fun part!

  7. Light a match in order to light your candle; I use matches because I find more power in them but feel free to use a lighter if that is all you have.

  8. Allow the wax on top to melt slightly before letting some of it drip onto the cork and down the bottle. You want to make sure that cork is completely covered in wax.

Cork is the best thing to use in spell jars however because it is incredibly porous.

We use the candle wax in order to prevent positive energy from escaping the jar and negative energy from entering. You want to make sure all of the energy of that bottle stays in one place.

Recharging Spell

We all have periods in our life where we feel physically and emotionally exhausted. This spell is to help you feel recharged and ready to tackle the world again.

For this spell you will need:

• A bowl of lukewarm water

• Your favorite essential oil (I really love lavender or tangerine) Add your desired amount of essential oil to the water and stir.


  1. With the bowl in front of you, place one palm up, facing the sky, and one palm down hovering above the water.

  2. Envision the universe’s energy coming to you in a ball of light. The light can be whatever color you envision whether it be gold, silver, white, etc. but it is charging and purifying you.

  3. Say these words while completing this.

    Goddess, spirit, and mother of all

    I ask for you to charge me, keep me happy, healthy, active, and strong

    Replenish me and restore my strength and power.

  4. Imagine the energy coming into your hand facing the sky and into the water from your other hand.

  5. Say the phrase about 3-4 times or until you feel as though you have charged the water significantly.

  6. When this is complete, wash your hands in the water. Imagine the energy from the water running up your arms and through your body. Enjoy the moment with just yourself and repeat as needed.

  7. To enhance the effects of this spell you can use a charged water (ie. Moon water or rainwater).

Personal Strength

We all have time we need to revive our personal strength to face a hard situation.

For this spell you will need:

  • garnet

  • bay leaf

  • dried carnation petals

  • small red candle

  • matches


  1. Embed the garnet in the candle’s side

  2. Dress the candle with the bay leaf and carnation

  3. Light the candle

  4. Focus on the flame

  5. Visualize powerful energy entering your body.


Sometimes you may be in need of a little happiness. This spell uses drumming to help you feel alive and energized.

You will need:

  • An incense burner

  • An incense such as pine, cinnamon, or orange

  • Matches

  • Brightly colored ribbons

  • A hand drum or tambourine - they can be handmade!

  • The Sun card from your favorite tarot deck


  1. Tie the pretty ribbons and sun card to your chosen instrument

  2. Begin tapping or beating your instrument

  3. Don’t worry about how you sound. Get in touch with the rhythm of your heartbeat

  4. Feel the drum resonating through your body as it breaks up the negative energy.

  5. With every beat visualize the negative energy falling away.

  6. You may feel the need to dance or stomp your feet. Let your body lead you.

Take Away

Adding spells for self-care into your practice can be incredibly emotional and eye-opening for many practitioners. Personally, I have gone through many spiritual awakenings simply by adding a self-care spell into my life or a short daily meditation. The smallest thing can help to make you better than you are right now.

It may seem difficult and that’s because it is! If you feel true despair or sadness seek professional counseling.

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