The wild boar is one of the more powerful spirit animals. It is represented in various pagan cultures all over the globe.
Pine forests are some of the oldest on earth. And with that age comes great wisdom and energy. They are found throughout North America, northern Europe and Asia. The entire pine tree is magical including the evergreen branches, the resin, and the cones.
Flowers are beautiful, they often smell wonderful, and they help the environment. In addition, flowers have magical properties.
Using flowers in spells or rituals increases the strength of your spell and represents certain powers and abilities.
Wands are a ritual tool that helps you to direct your energy and focus on what you want to achieve. You can use a wand to draw symbols or sigils in the air. They can be purchased or homemade.
The Ancient Celtic people believed strongly that spirits and divine beings inhabited the natural world. They felt a divine connection with those beings. The Celts perceived the presence of the supernatural world interwoven with the material world.
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Disclosure: Occult properties of herbs, plants, crystals, candles etc are provided for interest and entertainment purposes only. No outcome is guaranteed. Nothing on this website should be taken as medical or legal advice. Please use herbs responsibly.