Rodnovery is a naturalistic religion. Everything that happens in it, from complex holidays to daily rituals, is connected to nature.
Equinoxes and Solstices were four key points of the year that our ancestors could orientate by, but weren’t the only ones! One particular key point just passed not so long ago, Nature Transformation, occurs in August.
Our ancestors, of course, didn’t have modern devices to tell them what the weather is going to be like, or what date it is, so they had to rely on natural signs of certain happenings in nature.
What is Nature Transformation?
Occurring every year in early and mid-August, Nature Transformation is a phenomenon that our ancestors used as an orientation point for certain jobs and obligations. They were more connected to nature than we are today, so they noticed every little change that happened around them.
First, we will look at this phenomenon from a more scientific standpoint. Nature Transformation is when a certain species of algae and cyanobacteria reproduce much faster. In regions where Rodnovery ancestors lived, that usually happened in the timeframe of early-mid August, and it still does.
The faster reproduction causes the numbers of algae and cyanobacteria to skyrocket and they become more visible and cover natural waters in a green layer. It becomes harder to use our natural water resources because of them, especially canals, rivers, and lakes.
Nature Transformation also depends on the climate of the area, and it is a process that isn’t done in one day. In my part of the world, in South-East Europe, this period usually starts on the 6th of August.
Marko enjoying reflective time by the water. Photo by author.
Nature Transformation and Rodnovery Traditions
As mentioned, Nature Transformation was used as orientation. Our ancestors aligned a lot of work to it, and they knew when it happened the time had come for certain things to be done.
After Nature Transformation ended, our ancestors knew that the period when grapes are ripe is coming and they prepared for picking and processing grapes for food, wine, or juice.
One of the strict traditions was that you shouldn’t eat grapes before Nature Transformation ends, rather the first grapes should be offered as a sacrifice to the Gods.
As this is the period when summer is ending, the sun is shining less and less, natural waters become colder as well. Our ancestors didn’t bathe in natural waters after Nature Transformation ended.
If the last day of the Nature Transformation has very good weather it’s believed that the next Summer won’t be good. Also, according to the tradition, you should not have afternoon naps during Nature Transformation as you will then be sleepy all year long!
Our ancestors also spent time praying next to waters in this period, feeding the spirits of waters with ceremonial ale and brew.
They went into nature to our sacred oak trees, prayed, and collected some acorns. The acorns were kept during the whole year and they are used in some rituals until the next Nature Transformation.
Wind and the Sun
Reverting to science a bit again, it shows us that rain changes its chemical composition during this period. It’s proven that in rain droplets you can find some more complex elements that make the raid a bit more acidic. The cause of this phenomenon is Solar winds that come to Earth from the Sun.
For some reason, our ancestors celebrated two specific deities in this period of the year. At the start of Nature Transformation, they celebrated Stribog, the God of the Winds, connected to the Solar winds.
Adding the Solar aspect, at the end of the Nature Transformation they also celebrated Hors, the secondary Solar deity to Dajbog.
Read our article Days of Wolves to learn more about Dajbog.
They believed that Stribog, with the help of Hors, brings solar winds to Earth that impact all the living things here. All of this indicates that our ancestors understood nature on a very high and complex level.
They lived in perfect harmony with nature and with all the events in it.
How is Nature Transformation Celebrated Today?
Nature Transformation isn’t celebrated that much anymore, it’s just a phenomenon in nature that people forgot about and are intrigued by.
Rodnovery people still uphold the connection with nature so during Nature Transformation they tend to spend more time in nature than usual. Taking the last swims of the year in rivers and lakes, and doing some fishing before the waters become overrun with a green layer that makes fishing harder.
How I Celebrated Nature Transformation?
This year I celebrated Nature Transformation in two parts. The original plan wasn’t successful so I had to revert to my backup!
At the beginning of Nature Transformation, I went on a multi-day camping trip near the Danube which is the second largest river in Europe.
My family rented property and it was more of a family gathering for a few days. I camped in the yard, with the view of the Danube itself.
I couldn’t predict that Nature Transformation here wouldn't be as successful, for the few days I was there nothing was happening, and my prayers weren’t answered.
Due to the flooding in Europe, in Germany, levels of the Danube river down here were the highest in decades, and the river was so fast that everything was washed down to the sea.
Just as I wanted to give up completely, nature surprised me with a visitor. A lone hungry jackal came to the property near my tent until I woke up and had a glimpse of him. I believe he was sent as an answer to my prayers, just as a sign, as a smaller member of the canine family, relative of the wolf.
The second part of my Nature Transformation celebration happened near the natural waters of my town. The river there is not fast and the natural phenomenon is very visible and the nature is peaceful and beautiful.
I spent some time on an old wooden platform that's located on the water, where the Nature Transformation phenomenon is in my reach, with my good old ceremonial stone cup!
This time I was accompanied by my sister, and she enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere and my stories about the phenomenon we were watching and about my religion of Rodnovery.
After some time, cool stories, it was time to wrap it up and with some prayers pour some ale into the river to feed the spirits. With a blessed feeling, we left, looking forward to colder days, lower temperatures, and the mystical season of fall that is coming upon us very soon!
Take Away
Get yourself familiar with nature like our ancestors. Though it’s not crucial to be 100% connected to nature, it’s always magical and mystical to be in it and witness all these amazing phenomena that it provides for us!
Guest Author, Marko, is a young pagan from Southeastern Europe, specializing his pagan path in his Native Faith called Rodnovery and dwelling into Wiccan solitary practices. Years of research and practice, from a very young age when curiosity blooms, gave Marko a good level of expertise on the topic of the Rodnovery religion.
Animal totems and spirit guides were common among many pagan groups including the Native Slavic Faith.
Some Gods in the Rodnovery pantheon had really strong connections with certain animals. To some extent, they were even shapeshifters who came to our realm of living in the form of animals or animal spirits to interact with humans.