The oak. The father of the forest. The king. Oaks symbolize Wisdom, Nobility, Strength, and Intuition.
A tree to honor and one full of magical ability. The oak is a tall and powerful tree, looking down upon the other plants and animals of the forest.
Druid comes from the Celtic word for oak ‘Duir’.“duir” which means door in both Gaelic and Sanskrit.
Full of masculine energy this month is ruled by Thor and Zeus. Across many cultures, the oak is associated with strong leaders and gods of thunder and lightning.
The Oak Tree
The oak is a member of the genus Quercus which has 500 hundred species around the Northern Hemisphere. They have distinctive lobed or serrated leaves. bark with deep grooves, and produce acorns.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) states that 31% of oak species globally are threatened with extinction.
Mistletoe often grows on oak trees.
Some species of oaks are considered to be in decline because of the threats of deforestation, livestock grazing, and urban development.
Ironically, Oak is a popular street name in sub-divisions. Developers cut down the trees, build roads and houses, and then name the streets after the trees. I’m not sure I understand that!
Floki. Photo credit: Ame Vanorio
Oaks’ Role in The Ecosystem
Oak trees are a keystone species, and entire ecosystems depend on them for survival and habitat. Acorns provide food for more than 100 different species of wildlife, and an oak tree provides shelter for many birds and mammals.
This is Floki (pictured above) one of my wildlife rehabilitation squirrels on his release day. Squirrels and oak trees have a symbiotic relationship. The oak trees provide food and shelter for the squirrels, and in return, the squirrels help to spread the oak tree's acorns and propagate the species.
Grey squirrels like Flokie, store acorns in the ground and use them as food in winter, but some of the acorns are not found and grow into trees.
The Major Oak is believed to have sheltered Robin Hood and his Merry Men. It stands in Sherwood Forest in England and is a historic landmark. Believed to be between 800-1100 years old the tree has an 30 foot circumference. Photo by Dadulinka.
Ways We Use Oak
Oaks have always been a popular lumber tree. In fact, many Viking Longships were made from oak. Today oak is in demand for furniture and flooring.
The bark is rich in tannins used in the processing of leather. Oak barrels are used in the ripening of bourbon and wine.
Oak makes a hot fire and was used to light fires during the Celebration of Vesta in June. It is often used for the Yule Log.
Oak Correspondances
Ogham Letter: Duir (D) (means door)
Symbolic Meaning: Wisdom, Nobility, Strength, Intuition, Caring, Justice, and Nobility
Ruling Planet: Jupiter & Mars
Ruling Element: Water
Season: Summer and Litha
Corresponding Star Sign: Cancer / Leo
Flowers: the white blossoms are a symbol of purity
Birds: Oriole, Wren
Colors: Gold, green
Gemstone: Diamond, Aventurine
Deities: Dagda, Diana, Cybele, Green Man, Hecate, Janus, Thor, Pan, Vesta, and Zeus.
Oak Tree Zodiac
People born in the Month of Oak are blessed with wisdom and a nurturing spirit. They have deep connections with their ancestors and like to set down roots with a family. They are confident and optimistic.
Those born between June 10 and July 7 tend to be strong, loyal, and protective of their loved ones, much like the sturdy and dependable English Oak itself.
Oak Magic
Oaks are known for protection and strength, fertility, money and success, and good fortune. These are all good areas to focus your intentions and spell work during this month.
The Druids often meet in a grove of oak trees. The oak is part of the sacred diad consisting of Oak, Ash, and Hawthorn. In addition, they are powerful symbolism in Seneca and Sioux Native American cultures and represent council spaces.
Oaks are a safe haven for fairies and gnomes and make this a good month to build relationships with the Fae.
The oak tree symbolizes hard work. A time when our ancestors worked the land in order to feed themselves through the coming winter. It is also a good time to focus energy and work hard on your craft.
Legend tells us that King Arthur's round table was produced from a single cross-section of a giant Oak trunk. Merlin himself planted an acorn outside of his hometown, Carmarthen.
*** Remember to honor Mother Earth by being sustainable. Gather natural materials that have fallen to the ground. Don’t damage the tree.
Oak Magic Spell
A small piece of oak bark
A green taper candle
A piece of paper and a pen
A cauldron or fireproof dish
Matches or a lighter
1. Begin by finding a quiet space where you can focus your energy. You can do this spell inside or if you are able do it outside near and oak tree.
2. Light the green candle with a match or lighter and place it in a holder on a plate to be safe.
3. Take the piece of oak bark in your dominant hand and close your eyes. Take a deep breath and visualize that you are standing in front of a giant oak tree.
4. Ask for the oak tree's wisdom and strength to be infused into the piece of bark that you are holding in your hand.
5. With the oak bark in your hand and the green candle in front of you, write your intention on the piece of paper. Be very clear and specific about what you wish to manifest.
6. When you have written down your intention, fold the paper into a small square and place it in the cauldron or fireproof dish.
7. Light the paper on fire with the candle flame and carefully put it in the cauldron.
8. Take the oak bark and toss it into the cauldron. Watch as the flames consume the paper and the oak bark transforms into energy that carries your intention into the universe.
9. As the fire dies down, say a few words of gratitude to the oak tree and to the universe for listening to your intention.
10. Let the candle burn out completely, or snuff it out with a candle snuffer if you need to leave the room.
Remember, oak is a powerful and ancient entity that can imbue your magic with wisdom and strength. Use this spell sparingly and with respect.
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Other Ways To connect With OAK
Use the bark in sachets and incense mixtures
Carry an acorn for good luck or fertility. Charge them as you would crystals.
Plant an acorn under a full moon for prosperity
Place an acorn on a windowsill to attract good luck
Burn two oak leaves to purify the atmosphere in your home.
Tie together three twigs from oak, ash, and hawthorn. Focus on an intention before casting them in a fire to release the spell.
Sit under an oak to seek comfort and protection from challenges
The month of Oak is a great time to connect with your ancestors.
The oak figures prominently in dream interpretation.
If an oak tree is fell during your dream it represents a love loss. However, a leaf falling down upon that you catch means prevention from colds.
Author, Ame Vanorio, is the founder of Celebrate Pagan holidays and loves to be out among the trees
The ancient Celtic calendar is based on a lunar schedule and contains thirteen months in the year. In modern paganism, we united the lunar phases with the Gregorian calendar to give us a definitive time period.
The Celtic Tree Months are based on the Ogham alphabet and each month corresponds to a sacred tree. The trees are associated with deities, elements, healing, and certain areas of magic.