Nikola Tesla and "Pagan" Energy
Tesla was a Serbian-American inventor and engineer. Much of his work was related to electricity. He invented alternating currents, tesla coil, and turbine, as well as foreshadowing wireless communication.
You may wonder what an article about Nikola Tesla is doing in a Pagan Blog. Tesla’s scientific theories and experiments actually have a big effect on many pagan practices.
Tesla wasn’t a pagan although he had rejected Christianity and sought more spiritual enlightenment. He had read the ancient Hindu Vedas texts dating back to 1500 BCE and loved their connection with energy.
Tesla had many fears and phobias and his beliefs often labeled him as superstitious. He had an affinity for the number 3 and required 12 napkins at dinner.
Nikola Tesla loved nature and wildlife. As a young man, Tesla avoided being drafted by hiding in the mountains pretending to be a hunter.
In America, he spent most of his life in New York City and would walk 8-10 miles a day in the parks.
He is well known for caring for pigeons in NYC. In fact, his comments on his love for pigeons often led to discrimination. Tesla obviously had a spiritual connection with them.
Tesla reported early in life having visions. These began after the death of his brother when Tesla was age 7. Many have attributed this as an early sign of mental illness however these visions later went on to help his career immensely.
As a teen Tesla learned to block his visions however as an adult he opened himself back up to them. He realized he could envision a blackboard in his head and execute long mathematical problems or put together inventions.
“During my boyhood, I had suffered from a peculiar affliction due to the appearance of images, which were often accompanied by strong flashes of light. When a word was spoken, the image of the object designated would present itself so vividly to my vision that I could not tell whether what I saw was real or not. . . .”
Swami Vivekananda
Tesla met the Indian Hindu monk, Swami Vivekananda, in 1896. He had read the Vedas and understood Sanskrit's definitions of energy.
Vivekananda and Tesla discussed prâna (vital energy), âkâsha (ether), and kalpas (time). They remained friends discussing the ideas of the doctrine of the Vedas.
“All the powers in the universe are already ours. It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark.” ~ Swami Vivekananda
It is fascinating how many of these physics concepts were written about and practiced by what we would term ancient civilizations. Tesla understood the merger of science and spirituality.
Connecting With Aliens
Tesla continued to believe that his visions and energy came from outer space. In 1899 Tesla set up a field laboratory in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
During his experiments to move electric power over long distances across long distances he heard an unusual beeping sound. He initially felt he had made contact with life on another planet.
After ruling out many possibilities Tesla found that the sound was coming from the electromagnetic field of Jupiter.
“Crystals are living beings at the beginning of creation.”
Tesla loved quartz crystals. He felt that crystals were living beings with energy. In fact, Pierre Curie (husband of Marie) had discovered piezoelectricity.
Piezoelectricity is the electric charge found in crystals, ceramics, and even old bones.
Did you know they place small pieces of quartz in barbeque/fireplace lighters? When you press the button a hammer hits the crystal creating the spark.
Modern science now recognizes that all things are made up of atoms and those atoms have energy.
Tesla did hundreds of experiments using crystals focusing on their energy. Remember crystals are mined from the earth. Read my blog 10 MOST ESSENTIAL CRYSTALS FOR PAGANS for some great info on sourcing crystals ethically.
Tesla studied this resonance and oscillation. Resonance is the vibrational properties in states of matter, namely solids, liquids, and gases. He made connections on how these vibrations can be used as medicine to treat the human body.
As pagans, we have close associations with crystals and their healing properties.
Author Ame Vanorio is an environmental educator and science teacher as well as the founder of Celebrate Pagan Holidays.
Crystals need care just like any other ritual tool. They have an energy that comes from the earth that needs to be periodically cleansed or restored.
Crystal care includes cleansing, maintaining, storing, and understanding best safety practices.