What is Norse Paganism? A question that many have asked, from believer to scholar, and all of them have a slightly different answer.
In short, it is modern people adopting the religious practices of ancient Scandinavia and it's European territories.
Anubis has a bad rap. As a death god and Lord of the Afterlife, he is often portrayed in contemporary media as an evil or angry villain. Nothing is further from the truth.
Historically Anubis (Anpu or Inpu) is a much admired god who was seen as both the weigher of the heart (judgement) and the protector of souls (guardian).
Epona was an important deity in the pantheon of Celtic gods and goddesses. She was known specifically as the goddess of horses and was revered as both a protector and a provider of horses for the Celtic people. Learn more about her and how we can honor her today.
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Disclosure: Occult properties of herbs, plants, crystals, candles etc are provided for interest and entertainment purposes only. No outcome is guaranteed. Nothing on this website should be taken as medical or legal advice. Please use herbs responsibly.