Feast of Sekhmet: Egyptian Goddess of War and Healing
Sekhmet is the Egyptian Goddess of war, plague, chaos, and ironically also healing. Sekhmet has a complicated family history.
She was created by Ra and is believed to be the daughter of Geb (earth) and Nuit (sky). She is the ‘sister’ of Osiris, Horus, Set, Isis, and Nephthys. So we can say she comes from a royal family!
She is honored several times during the Egyptian calendar. For the sake of simplicity, we have her on our calendar for November. Keep reading to learn the days we honor her and what you can do to celebrate her day.
Who is Sekhmet?
Sekhmet is the Egyptian Goddess of war, plague, chaos, and healing. She is also referred to as the Goddess of the hot desert sun and is a solar deity often depicted with a round disk symbol above her head.
Her name means, "She who is powerful”.
Legend tells us that Sekhmet was created by Ra because He was angry that the people were neglecting him. Sekhmet was created as a bloodthirsty lioness who instilled fear and respect among the people. Controlling her, however, proved to be a challenge!
For those who practice neo-pagan Kemetic/Egyptian beliefs, Sekhmet represents strength and leadership. She is not afraid to fight for what she wants.
She is the original form of the astrological sign Leo.
What Did Sekhmet Look Like?
Sekhmet is seen as a woman with the head of a lioness. She is wearing a sun disk to symbolize her close connection to Ra, the God of the sun.
She is often depicted holding an ankh and a sceptre.
Most people were terrified of Sekhmet as she was the Goddess of war and chaos. No good could come from crossing her.
However, she could be accommodating for those who were lucky enough to be considered a friend of Sekhmet. She could heal diseases and avert the plague.
Dates for Feast of Sekhmet
It is important to note that Sekhmet has considerable importance in Egyptian culture and worship. She has multiple days and feasts alone as well as shared with other Gods and Goddesses.
Some feasts celebrated are what is known as a feast of composite deities. This is where deities that are closely linked by relation or other factors are observed simultaneously.
Sekhmet has both kinds of feasts in her honor.
Here is a shortlist of days she is honored during the year:
August 12th – The Day of Sekhmet's repulsion of Set.
October 31st – This day is a composite deities feast – celebrated are Sekhmet, Bast, and Ra.
November 20th – The Day of Sekhmet and the Purifying flame. This is a time to renew spirituality and cleanse your altar. Anticipate increased clairvoyance during this time.
November 24th – This was the Day to give offerings to Sekhmet.
November 28th – This is another composite deities day. This day was to celebrate Sekhmet and Hathor. It is also referred to as the day of prolonging life and celebrating the goodness of Ma'at.
Egyptian Astrology
If you were born between July 29 - August 11 or from October 30 - November 7 you are under Sekhmet in Egyptian Astrology.
Personality traits are ferocious defenders, telepathic, observant, and authoritarian.
Check out my video on Sekhmet below. I am working to get some good content on YouTube and hope you subscribe to my channel.
Ideas of How To Celebrate Sekhmet Today
Feasting, drinking, singing, and music were all big parts of celebrating Sekhmet.
Popular foods included roasted goat or antelope, duck, fish, dates, figs, cucumbers, and pomegranates.
Ancient Egyptians loved desserts and pastries, sweetbread, and honey cakes were common.
For adults, the drinking of red wine is a popular way to celebrate Sekhmet as she was also fond of drinking! For children or those that prefer a more family-friendly drink try pomegranate juice.
As the patron of healing and healers, Sekhmet is a wise choice to pray to when there is an illness in the family. In addition, learning more about herbal medicine and starting a medicinal herb garden are good ways to honor her.
Sekhmet was a force of female power. To honor her learn about famous women who fought hard for others’ freedoms such as Harriot Tubman, Frida Kahlo, Yuri Kochiyama… Donate money or goods to an organization in your community that empowers women.
Give offerings, prayers, and other forms of worship for Sekhmet
Offer some sort of performance for this Goddess. Dance, song, and artwork are all wonderful ways to honor her.
Stand up for someone who is being bullied
Recognize a doctor, nurse, or healer in your life in honor of Sekhmet
Meditate with the intention for empowerment
Altar To Sekhmet
On your altar place a representation of a lioness.
Incense scents are Dragons Blood, Frankincense, and Sandalwood.
Herbs and essential oils that she enjoys are orange blossoms, cinnamon, and cedar.
Crystals that will resonate with her power are bloodstone, garnet, and ruby.
Take Away
The Goddess Sekhmet held a high level of importance in Egyptian society. Many people still view her as one of the most important goddesses to respect and worship today.
Regardless of the path, you are on, there are many ways to worship and celebrate this Goddess. Although we have given many ideas and even a calendar to follow – your worship and celebration timetable is entirely in your hands.
Author, Ame Vanorio, is a lifelong pagan and environmental educator. She is currently taking a graduate class in Ancient Egypt to renew her teaching certificate and is totally in awe of the culture and the Gods of the Nile.
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