Celtic Month of Hawthorne: May 13 - June 9
The Hawthorne tree month is an exciting time that embraces fire, male energy, and fertility. The days are longer and it is a symbol that summer is upon us.
Along with ash and oak, the hawthorn is part of the triad of sacred trees and home to the fae. It was called Huath by the ancient Celts and was pronounced Hoh-uh.
Learn all about the Hawthorn tree, its powerful magic, and ancient traditions.
Hawthorn Tree
There are many species of hawthorns that grow throughout the world. Depending on the species they may range from 5 to 50 feet tall. They typically have thorns and are related to roses.
Hawthorns are valuable trees for wildlife and provide shelter and food for birds and insects. They produce fall berries which are a valuable wildlife food and are edible for humans.
They have been a valuable tree for humans as they have many qualities. Hawthorns have been used for hedge building to contain livestock. They are often used for tool handles due to their strength.
The berries are made into jelly and the bark and leaves have medicinal qualities.
Associations/ Correspondences
Ogham Letter: Huathe (H)
Symbolic Meaning: Purification, sacred marriage, and unity
Ruling Planet: Mars & Venus
Ruling Element:
Dieties: Belenus (Celtic Sun God), Flora (goddess of flowers), Hymen (Greek God of marriage), the Greenman, Maia (Greek Mother Goddess), and the White Goddess.
Season: Spring & Autumn
Corresponding Star Sign: Gemini / Cancer
Color: Red, blue, yellow
Crystal: Lapis Lazuli,
Birds: Blackbird, Owl, Sparrow
Three Phases of the Goddess
The Hawthorne tree represents the three phases of the goddess. The blooming white flowers in spring represent the Maiden. The red berries emerge in fall and symbolize the Mother. The thorns and knarled aged tree represent the Crone.
Water Users
The hawthorn is connected to water as they were often planted near holy water wells and natural springs. Pilgrims and travelers left ribbons on their branches to honor them.
This tradition was carried into Christendom. A hawthorn was planted next to St. Patricks Holy Stone on the Island of Shannon.
The top of the stone has been hollowed out and the water that remains there is said to have great healing powers.
The hawthorn provides protection from storms and protects people from lightning.
“The fair maid who, the first of May,
Goes to the fields at break of day
And washes in dew from the hawthorn tree,
Will ever after handsome be.”
Connection to the Fae
Hawthorn is associated with fairy magic. This is especially strong if a hawthorn and an oak tree are next to each other. They create appealing energy for the fae.
The Eildon tree described in the ‘The Romance of Thomas of Erceldoune’ was believed to be a hawthorn. This oral ballad from Scottland dates from the late 1200s and tells of a young man looking for romance under the hawthorn trees.
Thomas ends up meeting the Queen of the Otherworld and is led away into the fairie realm. When he is returned he is bound to her and able to predict future wars and famines.
A stone marks referred to as the Rhymers Stone sits at the site of the Eildon tree and is located in Melrose, Scotland.
Read more about Working With The Fae in our blog.
Hawthorn flowers are a symbol of death. During Medieval times, the hawthorn flower when decomposing was said to smell like a dying person and was associated with the plague. This is due to the presence of trimethylamine, which smells bad while decaying.
While they appreciated the flowers on the tree it was considered bad luck to bring them into the house.
Interestingly, trimethylamine can be manufactured in the body after eating certain foods and may be the cause of bad breath or bacterial infections.
In Christianity, Jesus’ crown during the crucifixion was made of Hawthorn.
Cutting down a hawthorn is a symbol of bad luck and construction workers in the British Isles take this quite seriously. Designs will be altered to make sure one is not destoyed.
So we don’t think ill of the hawthorn it was also a symbol of life, love, and marriage. The Greeks lit a torch made of hawthorn to lead the marriage procession. The bride wore a crown of hawthorn blossoms.
The spring festival of Beltane often used the flowers as decorations for outdoor festivals at this celebration of life and fertility.
Hawthorn Magic
Magic, spells, and rituals completed during the Month of Hawthorn are strong and powerful.
This is a great month for spells related to finding a job or getting a promotion. This is a time to embrace magic to improve business relationships and make professional connections.
The wood of the hawthorn is often used for amulets and wands. Hawthorn wands are great for healing magic but also good for cursing.
JK Rowling wrote about hawthorn wands by stating “I have generally observed that the hawthorn wand seems most at home with a conflicted nature, or with a witch or wizard passing through a period of turmoil. Hawthorn is not easy to master, however, and I would only ever consider placing a hawthorn wand in the hands of a witch or wizard of proven talent, or the consequences might be dangerous”.
The roots and branches often grow intertwined and the tree is often connected to intertwining love. Perform love spells during this month.
Ancient Romans considered this plant a symbol of luck and good fortune. They associated hawthorn with the Cardea, the goddess of doorways.
The branches are a symbol of protection.
The thorns are great for writing in candle wax and for sigils.
Protection Spell:
From Whispers From the Woods by Sandra Kynes.
Carefully gather a few thorns from the tree.
“On a piece of paper, write the name of the person or situation from which you seek protection, and then wrap it around the thorns. Bury this in the ground – if possible near the tree from which the thorns were collected.”
Medicinal Qualities
The hawthorn has many medicinal qualities and is a good plant in the repertoire of the Green Witch.
Young leaves can be eaten in the spring as a salad and the berries make a fabulous jelly.
The planet Mars rules the hawthorn tree and propels you into action. Mars rules red blood cells and the fiery heart so it’s no coincidence it’s connected with hawthorn.
Medical science supports the natural healing properties of this tree. “Both animal and human studies suggest hawthorn increases coronary artery blood flow, improves circulation, and lowers blood pressure. It has also been used on the skin to treat boils and skin sores”.
This is a great month for setting up an altar. With so many Gods and Goddesses, a fabulous connection to nature and the elements, and strong magic to aid in relationships I find this an exciting month of pagan worship.
Belenus was a powerful Celtic Sun god whose name means shining one. He is associated with the horse and the wheel and often shown riding across the sky in a horse drawn chariot.
Shrines to him have been found containing clay statues of horses. Decorate your altar with horse statues and read our blog about the horse as a spirit animal.
Author, Ame Vanorio, is a life long pagan and environmentalist. She is the founder of Fox Run Environmental Edcuation center.
Another great way to bring magic into every day is by combining spells and rituals with the days of the week. Each day of the week has colors, crystals, and herbs associated with it as well as a ruling planet.